Player Ratings
Rating System
As of September 2018 the SCPA adopted the International Pickleball Teaching Professional Association (IPTPA) ratings system which uses a "+" designation instead of a quarter point rating system. We will use both systems as appropriate for the needs of our members.
2.25 same as 2.0+
2.75 same as 2.5+
3.25 same as 3.0+
3.75 same as 3.5+
Player Ratings
Receiving feedback from the teaching professionals, (IPTPA), there is a trend among self-rated players of "over-rating". Over-rating causes many problems during organized play and clinics offered at designated levels. The Committee is cognizant of the fact that province-wide skill levels continue to advance at an accelerated rate. SCPA strives to provide accurate, objective and up-to-date ratings for all members. Ratings help us:
Organize courts by skill-level to facilitate competitive, level play.
Categorize the skill levels of players who wish to participate in tournaments.
Assist members by identifying the skills necessary to advance to the next rating level.
Steps in the Rating Process
Our goal is to assess every player based on their play in several competitive games. Given the size of our Club and the time to properly assess, we will give priority to members who make a formal request for a rating or for reassessment.
The member should complete a self-assessment form. The link can be found under 'Description of Rating Levels' below.
Members self-rate up to and including 2.5+.
For a rating 3.0 to 3.5, the self-assessment form should be sent to a member of the Committee as an attachment to your request for assessment / reassessment.
Time and place is organized by the Committee. At least 2 Committee members must be present.
Once or twice a year a Certified Coach of the IPTPA may be available to assess players who are 3.5+ or higher.
Ratings will be accepted by our Club from:
Canadian Tournament Player Rating (CTPR )
US Tournament Player Rating (UTPR )
International Pickleball Teachers Professional Association (IPTPA ) rating from a Certified Rating Specialist. (proof of these ratings would need to be shown to our Ratings Committee )
The IPTPA also provides a well-defined outline of the skills required at all levels - click here.
Ratings Committee Contact - Email
Rick Semel (Chair)
Kira Sufalko
Ross Miller
Carolyne Oughton
Description of Rating Levels
The following ratings descriptions serve as a guide.
1.0 New player with minimal knowledge of the game and the rules. Need to work most on developing their hand/eye coordination. Frequently miss the ball entirely, but can hit some of the slower balls with their forehand. They have a hard time playing games because they can't keep a rally going.
1.5 Keep some short rallies going with their forehand, but still fail to return easy balls frequently and occasionally miss the ball entirely. They have played a few games and know the basic rules of the game, including scoring.
2.0 Learning to judge where the ball is going, and can sustain a short rally with players of equal ability. They have obvious weaknesses in most of their strokes. Familiar with court positioning in doubles play.
Self-Assessment Sheet for 2.0
2.5 Able to keep quite a few balls going with their forehands, make most easy volleys, and are beginning to make some backhands but need to work more on developing their strokes. Beginning to approach the non-volley zone to hit volleys and are making an effort to be more aggressive, including trying dinks and lobs.
3.0 More consistent on the serve and service return, and when hitting medium-paced shots, but are not comfortable with all strokes and lack control when trying for direction, depth, or power on their shots. They are using lobs and dinks with limited success but don't fully understand when and why they should use them and don't have a lot of success with them.
Self-assessment sheet for 3.0
3.5 Have achieved improved stroke dependability with directional control on most medium-paced balls and some harder hit balls. They still need to develop more depth and variety with their shots, but are exhibiting more aggressive net play, are anticipating their opponent's shots better, use lobs and dinks on a regular basis with more success, and are developing teamwork in doubles. Need to develop variety with their shots.
4.0 Have consistent and dependable strokes, including directional control and depth on both forehand and backhand sides. They can reliably serve, use lobs, overheads, approach shots and volleys, and can use spin shots with some success. Occasionally force errors when serving. Rallies may be lost due to impatience. Teamwork in doubles is evident. Dinks and lobs are used as a major part of their game. They know the rules of the game and play by them. Self-Self-assessment sheet for 4.0
4.5 Beginning to master the use of power and spin, can successfully execute all shots, can control the depth of their shots, and can handle pace. Have sound footwork and move well enough to get to the non-volley zone whenever required. Understand strategy and can adjust their style of play according to their opponent’s strengths and weaknesses and their position on the court. They can hit serves with power and accuracy and can also vary the speed and spin of the serve if desired. Dinks and lobs are weapons, and they have had success in tournaments.
5.0 Have mastered all the skills - all the shot types, touch, and spin. Serves are used as weapons. Excellent shot anticipation, extremely accurate shot placement and regularly hit winning shots. Force opponents into making errors by “keeping the ball in play.” Mastered the dink and drop shots. Mastered the shot choices and strategies for drop shots, lobs, and fast-paced ground strokes. Use soft shots, dinks and lobs to set up offensive situations. Mastered Pickleball strategies and can vary strategies and styles of play in competitive or tournament matches. Dependable in stressful situations such as 5.0 tournament match play. Have athletic ability, quickness, agility and raw athleticism that separate top players from those near the top. Keep unforced errors to a minimum. Take advantage of opponents’ errors.
Rating Opportunities - May
Player Ratings Second Round
When: Sunday, May 19, 3:00 - 5:00 PM
Where: TBD
What: Each Rating Session can accommodate 8 - 12 players.
Ratings will only assess players wishing to achieve either 3.0, 3.25 or 3.5 status.
Players wishing to be rated must submit a Rating Self Assessment. Self Assessment forms below.
Rating assessments will be based on the USA and Canadian Pickleball Association standards.
Registration will be managed through SPOND on a first come first serve basis.
Contact: Player Development Chair Rick Semel to get on the list
Player Ratings Third Round?
When: Dependent on demand.
Registration will be managed through SPOND on a first come first serve basis.
Contact: Player Development Chair Rick Semel to get on the list