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Past News

Hackett Park Proposal
Last update - August 2022 - details
Future Facility - Inflatable Dome
Last update - April 2021 - details
Pickleball and Tennis
On November 14, 2021Pickleball BC and Tennis BC issued a joint statement that recommends that BC communities build dedicated pickleball "hubs" to meet the demand for pickleball courts. Of course the SCPA strongly supports this recommendation and encourages the coastal communities to recognize the demand on the Coast for a pickleball courts and get on with the construction of a hub (or hubs!) - it's past time!    Read the statement. 
Sechelt Arena Schedule Change

New Saturday sessions added as of August 21

The SCPA has rented the arena for pickleball play - see Play Schedules for details.

Please note that for these Saturday sessions all players must be double vaccinated.
Off court, players must be masked in compliance with the BC Health Order implemented on August 25.


As of August 19 the SCRD is cancelling Thursday sessions

Weak attendance plus the  cancellation of  another evening dry floor program that was scheduled "back to back" with the pickleball session resulted in the cancellation of Thursday sessions..


Sechelt Arena - Opens July 29, 2021

Good news – drop-in doubles pickleball play at the Sechelt Arena resumes Thursday, July 29!


At this point there are only two sessions scheduled per week, both back to back on Thursdays, but if the numbers are strong there is the possibility of adding additional sessions on Tuesdays and Saturdays.


When: Thursdays starting July 29

Session One: 1:30 – 3:30

Session Two: 3:45 – 5:45

Cost: $4.00 per session or use MyPass

Pay: at the Arena as in the good old days

Open Play: 9 Courts with informal Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced groupings

Health Protocol: on July 1 the PHO allowed a return to indoor sports. Play at the Arena is a SCRD program and is not limited to our membership. We therefore can’t impose additional restrictions on attendance. However individuals certainly need not feel the pressure to mix freely if they are more comfortable playing just with known cohorts. Remember – be kind, be calm and be safe.


Hackett Park Court Proposal May 15, 2021
SCPA proposes 4 dedicated pickleball courts at Hackett Park - details
Sechelt & Gibsons Arenas - Update May 6, 2021
Masks are no longer required on the courts for singles play in the arenas. 
Sechelt & Gibsons Arenas - Update April 12, 2021

The ice is now out of both arenas. Singles play with mask requirement begins April 12 at the Gibsons Arena.

Play at the Sechelt Arena will begin April 20. Go to Play Schedules for details.

Sechelt & Gibsons Arenas - Update Jan 5, 2021

The bad news - dry floor play in the Sechelt Arena will not be available this spring since the SCRD plans to install ice in January. 

The good news - the SCRD expects to have dry floor available in the Gibsons Arena in late March and if Covid conditions permit, pickleball play could resume. 


Cohort Play 

Members who wish to join, or form, a cohort group click here.

For details on cohort play at the Arena see below.

Sechelt Arena Reopens for PB Play Sept. 29, 2020 


Update - December 3, 2020

Complying with the directive of the BC Provincial Health Officer the SCRD suspended play at the Sechelt Arena as of Dec 3. 


Update - November 28, 2020

SCRD resumes play at the Arena as of Dec 1. Players are to wear masks at all times in the Arena EXCEPT while playing.


Update - November 9, 2020

Complying with the directive of the BC Provincial Health Officer the SCRD suspended play at the Sechelt Arena until Nov.23


Update - October 31, 2020

Due to limited numbers of players showing up, the SCRD has reduced the number of sessions available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. SCRD has indicated that if demand warrants they will add times to their schedule. See Schedule


Update - October 23, 2020

More "good news". Starting October 27 play sessions at the Sechelt Arena have been extended to 1.5 court time hours with a 15 minute break between sessions. Players will be permitted to enter the Arena 10 minutes prior to their session and will have 5 minutes to exit following the conclusion of their session. See Schedule


Update - October 20, 2020

Finally some “good news” regarding the Sechelt Arena reopening – cohort based doubles play is now possible! Hopefully these revised reopening regulations will provide an opportunity for many members to get back on the courts. We have worked hard to provide input to the SCRD to make pickleball play as accessible as possible under Covid conditions, however, please note that play at the Arena remains a SCRD program not a SCPA program.


Cohort Play

  • Cohort play with 2, 3 or 4 per court

  • Players may switch partners within cohort

  • Cohorts are self-formed and self-policed and may consist of up to 12 players

  • Players must take a 14 day break when creating or moving to another cohort



  • 10:30; 12:15; 2:00; 3:45 Tuesday &  Thursday

  • 10:30; 12:15; 2:00 Saturday

  • 1.25 hour court time with a 30 minute break between times (expect change to 1.5 hour court time with a 15 minute break in near future)

  • Maximum of 16 players per time slot over 4 well-spaced courts



  • Online registration only - no drop-in play

  • One member of a cohort registers & pays for up to 3 others in cohort to hold a court - use the “How many seats do you need” button to identify the number of players (2, 3, 4)

  • MYPASS holders would need to register individually online or by phone and would not be charged


Check-in & Protocol

All players must

  • sign in at the Arena door and identify their cohort group

  • write their name & phone contact on sign in sheet

  • confirm their health

  • read and agree to the posted Covid protocol rules

  • bring their own balls and not exchange or pick up balls from other courts


Update - October 15, 2020

The Sechelt Arena opened for pickleball play on September 29 as an SCRD sponsored recreation program. Unfortunately the SCRD  limited play to singles or doubles where partners must be from the same household. Since pickleball is primarily a doubles game and very few members have two players from the same household, this "same household" restriction essentially precluded pickleball play at the Arena. The SCPA has made numerous proposals to the SCRD recreation staff regarding modifying this restriction to allow for small "cohort" doubles play (consistent with Covid protocol) and we are waiting for a response.



The SCRD Board passed a motion at its July 30 meeting to reopen the Sechelt Arena in September for dry-floor use through December 2020. 

The SCPA Directors are now working with SCRD staff on the details of the reopening so that play in the Arena is as safe as possible and compliant with health guidelines. Once the date for reopening is confirmed and protocol for play are established SCPA members will be notified by email and details will be posted on this website.


The SCPA Directors thank the many members who wrote emails to their SCRD Directors regarding the importance of having a venue for pickleball play throughout the fall - thank you - the emails had an impact! 

Year-Round Facility Proposal 

Update October 24 2019

Oct 23 Presentation to Sechelt CoW - Watch on YouTube

We are now waiting for Sechelt staff to report back to Council on our proposal 


SCPA membership survey results are in! 

#1 priority: a year-round dedicated facility

Following this member directive the Facilities Committee of the SCPA explored the options and with the full support of the Board makes the following proposal.


  • air supported dome 

  • 9 courts

  • heated/insulated


  • District of Sechelt land between the Arena and the tennis facility


First step

  • our proposal will be presented to District of Sechelt Council at the Committee of the Whole (CoW) meeting October 23, 3:00 pm in the Community Meeting Room of the Library Building , 5797 Cowrie Street.

  • your attendance at Council meetings supporting the proposal is essential

With a green light from Council

  • refine the business plan - costs - revenue

  • membership discussions - fee structure?

With a green light from membership

  • build it and they will come!​​​​​​

New Directors 2019

The SCPA welcomes two new directors elected at our November 20, 2019 AGM: Ross Miller and Russ Proudman. 

The Board also thanks two retiring directors, John Bell and Terry Karleen, for their years of service - both have contributed greatly to the growth and success of the SCPA.

National Pickleball Day - August 10, 2019 

Thanks to all who came to the Arena to help celebrate National Pickleball Day. Special thanks to the Sechelt mayor, Darnelda Siegers, who took time out of her busy schedule to drop by to see first hand what a great game pickleball is for all ages. It was great to welcome a number of community members who had not previously played the game and were given an introductory lesson by a number of our experienced members.


Powell River Tournament - August 25, 2019 

The Powell River club has organized a fun day of round robin pickleball play with awards, door prizes and a chicken BBQ.   

Register by August 18. NOTE: it is much easier to register by phone than online through rec centre . 604-485-2891   Details

Canada Day Parade - July 1  Sechelt

Picklers Parade!!              Photos               
Thanks to all the great advance work of our parade coordinator, JoAnne B, supported by a dedicated team on float construction
PLUS the terrific turn out of parade participants, we celebrated Canada Day with true pickleball exuberance - we all felt much younger at heart as the photo attests.

Additional Thanks:

Scott for the trailer

Par for the candy

Jan for the photos & video

Member Day - May 11, 2019 - Sechelt Arena

Terrific turnout on an unusually warm summer like day - 61 players - thanks to all. Congratulations Jan Cooksley on being the lucky paddle raffle winner and thanks to Trail Bay Source for Sports for donating the paddle. Members kept all 9 courts busy for 3 hours with many participating in a fun "sponge ball" event organized by Jo-Anne. Clearly pickleball is alive and growing on the Sunshine Coast - now we need more courts!

Learn to Play Pickleball - Spring 2019

The Sunshine Coast Regional District is offering "Learn to Play Pickleball" sessions at the Gibsons Arena in May.

These sessions will be taught by SCPA instructors.  More Details

Arena Pickleball Play - Spring 2019

Contrary to previous information from the SCRD the Sechelt Arena dry floor won't be available until May 6 BUT the Gibsons Arena is available starting March 23. See Play Schedules for details.

"Welcome" Ambassador

At our November 14, 2018 AGM the SCPA Board created a new "Welcome Ambassador" position designed to welcome and encourage new pickleball players. Cathy Kiss has volunteered to serve as a Welcome Ambassador, so if you would like to

  • learn more about the game 

  • maybe give it a test drive

  • connect with other players

contact Cathy    email 

New Directors 2018

The SCPA welcomes three new directors elected at our November 14, 2018 AGM:

Jo-Anne Bentley, Kira Sufalko and Jim Pye

Rating System Change

As of September 2018 the SCPA has adopted the International Pickleball Teaching Professional Association (IPTPA) rating system using a "+" designation which will be used along with our quarter point rating system.

2.25 same as 2.0+

2.75 same as 2.5+

3.25 same as 3.0+

3.75 same as 3.5+


New skills challenges coming each month over the summer at the Sechelt Arena.

  • The Precise Deep Serve    - more

  • 3rd Shot into the Kitchen    - more

  • Deep Service Return    - more

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