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Year Round Facility Proposal 2023/24/25

March , 2025

Unfortunately, we have had to terminate our exploration of adding an 8-court indoor pickleball facility at the this Roberts Creek location. This difficult decision comes after more than a year of many meetings, presentations and hopeful twists and turns. 

However, the location of our facility was always at the centre of discussions and many locations were identified by both sides and considered. In the end the other party decided that they would support only one location, but that location required an additional estimated $200,000 site development. They were also firm that SCPA bears all costs associated with our build which unfortunately made our build unviable.

We part on good terms and have left the door open should circumstances change.

At this point we turn the page and begin our search anew for a site for our facility. We have discussed a number of possibilities and the New Facility Committee will explore each one. With our growing membership and somewhat uncertain future situation regarding all our current venues, we need to be proactive now in finding a site for our pickleball home.

December 18, 2024
On October 26 an onsite test excavation was performed on the location identified in our August 25 update. Due to the bedrock close to the surface the resulting site development cost estimates were high and an alternative location was proposed in the same general area. Both sides have now agreed on the alternative location subject to site development cost estimates. We have had an external developer view the site with positive response. However, prior to getting a site cost estimate there are a number of preliminaries associated with this site that have to be resolved. Membership surveys and information sessions are planned for the early part of 2025.
August 25, 2024
Both sides released today an update to our respective members identifying the proposed location for our facility. We now enthusiastically move forward to the second level of our draft Project Management Plan -- updating the design and cost of our facility plus associated infrastructure components (including additional parking) at this location.
July 5, 2024
Both parties have agreed on a location for our pickleball facility that is close to the clubhouse which has benefits to both sides and are now working on site development considerations. The SCPA and Other subcommittee are meeting regularly to discuss the specifics of the Agreement as described in the MOU. Until the location has been fully vetted by Other Board we are unfortunately not at liberty to make it generally known to SCPA members.
May 23, 2024
MOU signed - a small but significant step forward to realizing our goal of a dedicated, indoor pickleball facility.
April 15, 2024
Both parties have agreed to the terms of the MOU. Next comes the hard work of implementing the agreement. Many important and difficult issues to discuss and resolve - we remain hopeful.
March 15, 2024
SCPA is very pleased to announce that we have a new opportunity for a permanent, indoor pickleball facility location. We are currently in the early stages of negotiating a MOU which hopefully will lead to a land lease. At this point the location and preliminary details are only available to our active members. If you share our enthusiasm for bringing this much needed indoor pickleball facility to the Coast and are not a current member, please Join SCPA and get regular updates. 
DEC 20, 2023
Message from DoS staff - further delays on Lot 9/10 childcare/housing development due to changes proposed by the Ministry of Education and Childcare. DoS expects some decision by the end of January 2024. 
Oct 26, 2023
Message from DoS staff - looks like we are snookered again - maybe a consequence of Sechelt's water woes. Unlikely that the Sechelt Arena would go to dryfloor year round - DoS likely leveraging well as a water source for lease renewal.

"I just received an explanation from senior management, which helps explain why staff are not able to support an MOU with the SCPA at this time:

Lot 10 contains the tennis court and future possible day care as well as the primary access to the Sunshine Coast Arena on Lot 9.  Lot 9 contains the arena, under lease to SCRD, as well as Fairway Ave, which deviates from the legal road dedication and travels over the south east corner of Lot 9. 

It is not clear yet what the future of Lot 9 will be and if the lease for the arena will be extended or turned over to the District for a dry floor facility. We have also discussed drilling a well on this property to supply water to the ice arena. 

Amalgamation of Lot 9 and 10 is not being contemplated at this time and would not be considered until it is time for a decision on the future of the Sunshine Coast Arena, and therefore, we can't consider it as a means of lessening BC Building Code requirements."

Oct 4, 2023 7:00 PM Community Meeting Room downstairs at Municipal hall
Follow-Up Delegation & Presentation to Sechelt Council
Why? Here's the message from the Sechelt Corporate Officer on Sept 28
"I have not been able to get a conclusive answer from senior management on whether they would be able to support the request for an MOU, subject to conditions while you are gathering information and applying for grants. I know they are hoping to be able to conduct a land use study for both of those properties (lots 9 and 10) and it is difficult to endorse a plan that doesn’t include that. This is on their radar and I am optimistic we will hear something back tomorrow or next week. The next meetings will be Oct 18 or 25."

Sept 22, 2023  click on PDF for a proposal update submitted to DoS Council for Oct 4 meeting.





















June 15, 2023
The SCPA President and Vice President met with DoS staff to discuss the proposal. Staff was supportive but raised a number of preliminary issues that should be reviewed before reporting back to staff. Hopefully then staff will be in a position to make a recommendation to DoS Council regarding the land lease.


May 17, 2023
A presented this proposal to the Sechelt Council on May 17 and received positive support. You can view the presentation on YouTube - there was a technical glitch at the beginning of the YouTube recording that cut out the introduction, but otherwise the content is intact. 

                                                         View Presentation


Our Proposal     




Debentures Explained            



Sept 13, 2023
The SCPA has addressed the issues raised by staff and have subsequently modified the positioning and access for our proposed pickleball facility as shown in the photo. As positioned the facility minimizes the impact on the southern portion of the lot to provide space for the proposed daycare.

Google Earth Image Pickleball Facility.jpg

Eight Court Pickleball Facility


Overall Building Dimension: 70’x 240’

Court Dimension: 20’x40’

Spacing Between Courts: 5’

Spacing Behind Courts: 10’

Side Spacing for End Courts: 10’

Court Access Corridor: 10’x215’

Washroom Dimension: 15’x25’

Entrance & Social: 55’x25’

Double Doors Each End

Support Posts: First one from ends of the building @ 32.5’ Subsequent posts @ 25’ up to Washrooms and Entrance so that posts come down between each court

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